happy wednesday. :)
as you might've seen on instagram I did a little project this weekend.
I decided to finally paint our fridge!
(like I had been talking/pinning about for months)
(like I had been talking/pinning about for months)
I quickly gathered up my supplies from the hardware store &
celebrated my last afternoon off (until june) with all things paint.
Currently, we have random chalkboards throughout our home,
but I really loved the idea of making our fridge into one.
(mainly for little notes + lists of every sort)
i dream in lists...weird.
(mainly for little notes + lists of every sort)
i dream in lists...weird.
here are some photos from this project..
who knew you can get chalkboard paint in a variety of different colors?
i chose classic chalkboard green, to be bold!
you can find black chalkboard paint HERE
or colored chalkboard paint to be mixed at your local hardware store.
next step was removing the handles &
taping this beast
in all the cracks & crevices
primer time!
& obviously a painting selfie gram was a must!
the fridge needed three coats of paint &
then 3 (LONG) days to dry completely.
so with that being the case, i filled the weekend up fast!
my brother was in town bowling in a tournament for penn state.
i finally got the opportunity to see him bowl live & meet his pals.
this kid makes me proud.
(they're by far my favorite part)
(i'm a lucky lucky lady.)
back to the grind.
when you're using chalkboard paint,
you MUST "season" your surface.
this prevents the first markings you make
to not be burned into your board.
..make sense?
trust me, it works
and its incredibly messy to say the least.
the home stretch...
so thankful for this man & his helpfulness.
told ya, pretty messy ;)
final step was wiping the surface clean
with a dry then damp rag.
there you go, folks.
that's how I spent my weekend.
it was a fairly easy project to complete,
you just have to be patient..
(which can be a stuggle, if you're anything like me)
if you decide to try this,
i'd love to know! :)
apparently my fridge is a SHE &
it surprisingly only took me one try for each clip.
it surprisingly only took me one try for each clip.