is upon us, my friends.
I love everything about this holiday..
I love hearts, red, and fresh flowers (and chocolate of course)
But most of all..i enjoy all the LOVE.
That's my favorite.
Showing others how much they mean to you..
that's what is special.
(and if its handmade: bonus points!)
I've decided to do a little valentines day wrap up.
This year I participated in a valentines swap,
{ via: lyndsey at the stationary place <3 }
{ via: lyndsey at the stationary place <3 }
where you were paired with a group
of other folks from around the world.
of other folks from around the world.
You had to make a handmade valentine,
and send it to your val pals (as I like to call them)
It was SO much fun!
Here are what I made:
Here are the ones I've received:
Our home was quite decorated for the holiday!
(any reason to decorate is perfect for me!)
Here are some just a few snapshots of our love filled HOMESTEAD:
& of course I did a few valentines crafts!
I made these heart crayons for my nanny kiddos:
I was quite impressed with the turn out! :)
This year for our first married valentines...
Mr. Mack & I had an afternoon together planned.
..lunch at the market
..strolling around the city
(and of course, sharing dessert at Just Cupcakes!<3)
Here is our valentines day in photos...
I couldn't have asked for a better day with my love.
(except for the fact he had to leave for work!)
God has surely blessed me with an amazing husband.
Wishing you all a day full of love!
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