is officially started in our book.
the kickoff always seems to be our first camping trip.
this weekend we packed up the jeep & went on an adventure.
our destination for the long weekend was
cowans gap,
near chambersburg, pa.
our 2+ hour drive was absolutely beautiful.
pa totally has perks in the beauty department.
my pilot wasnt bad to look at either ;)

we made it by early evening & started to unpack all of our gear.
our 2 person REI tent is super easy to set up + its extra cozy!

we quickly realized we had the best campsite in the whole park.
the rest of our camping crew was joining us the next day.
(a much needed night away for mr. mack & i)
dinner was of course: mountain pies! PIZZZAAA!
adam made a pact of only cooking on the fire all weekend.
(campfire food always has the best taste..i was on board!)

banana kodiak pancakes were the best saturday morning breakfast.
sunday breakfast: dippy eggs, sweet potato hash, & bacon!

sunday we spent the majority of the afternoon by the lake.
the weather was absolutely perfect & so was the company, too!
mr. mack picked me this little bunch of flowers from his hike.
these sweet little things make my heart smile. <3
we ventured out into town Saturday morning to pick up some goods &
stumbled upon this sweet open air farmers market!
how perfect!
friday night was about 30* in the tent.. BRRR..
adam & brooks up early on sunday morning
cheers with our hot campfire tea :)
soggy egg carton = take home eggs in a mason jar instead
man, time away with this guy is always the best.
good for my heart for sure.
we can't wait to visit this spot again!
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