Hey there.
Happy tuesday, too!
So this year, you can tell we've camped quite alot!
(it's been super fun)
We started the season: Memorial Day, at
and ended the season, again at..
This time we camped with our friends:
Mike, Andi & their kiddos.
We love it there!
so many pro's:
it's beautiful. lots of hiking.
kayaking!!! -which this time we brought ours! woohoo.
and we get the best spot in the park..or so we think ;)

favorite pilot!
traveled through gettysburg!
stopped for fuel=fruit
hey ladyyyy....
home sweet home again.
camp necessities.
i have a slight obsession with fried + onions hot dogs whilst camping. lol
dueling hammocks with this STUD!
found this legit cooler for our water at a yard sale= $3.00!!
saturday morning stop.
and we love the chambersburg farmers market alot!
open air markets are truly the greatest!
falafel is a game changer!
and we found this tiny western guide backpack tent for 5.00!
its super tiny, yet perfect!
lucky for this dude & savoring these moments away together. just us.
my favorite spot to be. in the kayak, on the water. <3
this might be the best camp meal i've ever had!
chili in the dutch oven & cornbread in the cast iron.
holy moly it was incredible. way to go, adam!
sunday afternoon we hiked STRAIGHT UP the mountain..
for what seemed like forever. i'd say this view was worth it!
yeah- it was a killer!
be cool- eat fajitas!
and this is called- we don't want to bring any food home breakfast! yikes.
the only rain of the weekend decided to come while we were packing up.
luckily it was humid enough, it evaporated quickly!
all packed up & ready to hit the road.
our drive home was super lovely!
Overall our weekend was mega fun!
Lots of laughter, sunshine, and campfires.
The way weekends should be spent, right.
Can't wait for our next adventure! :)